CrossBreeder for Android is an amazing mod improving your device performance and making your device generally faster, makes UI and animations smoother and just makes it better. Let's take a look!
To install Crossbreeder, just flash one ZIP in recovery and you're done. However, you can also control the entropy generator using this app:
You can enable Tweak IO, DNSMasq (that increases DNS query speed), and eventually the CrossBreeder main toggle switch. There's also a number of available entropy in your system.
As mentioned, to install the mod just flash the ZIP. If anything goes wrong, you can flash the uninstaller to revert the changes back.
To install Crossbreeder, just flash one ZIP in recovery and you're done. However, you can also control the entropy generator using this app:
You can enable Tweak IO, DNSMasq (that increases DNS query speed), and eventually the CrossBreeder main toggle switch. There's also a number of available entropy in your system.
As mentioned, to install the mod just flash the ZIP. If anything goes wrong, you can flash the uninstaller to revert the changes back.
Enjoy your faster device!
Still slow? Install the PurePerformancesX mod and boost your phone even more!
Still slow? Install the PurePerformancesX mod and boost your phone even more!