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Build.prop hacking - Increase Network Speed, Remove Lags and more!

There's a file called build.prop in our systems. What is it? It's a system configuration file, it tells the system your device's specs and important information. But what if we change this build.prop file to make our devices... better? Check this out.

Yes, it is possible to change build.prop values and it's pretty easy to do. All we need is a root browser, and root access of course.

Let's do this!

  1. Download Root Browser.
  2. Open it, navigate to /system/build.prop and open it using RB Text Editor.
  3. The configuration lines will appear. Here is our workplace.
Let's fake our Android version, for instance. Find a line with your system version in it, and change it to ..let's say Android 5.0. You can also change the manufacturer or device name and download unsupported apps on Google Play!

Let's add some lines. Scroll to the very end of the list and add the following lines.

Warning: Before you edit your build.prop file, make a backup of it, or better make a full nandroid backup of your system in case you end in a bootloop (bad manipulation with build.prop usually causes a bootloop)

Screenshot 2014 07 31 15 43 35Screenshot 2014 07 31 15 43 50

Check out our video about build.prop hacking!

Build.prop tweaks:

General Performance
Edit existing line,

Faster Scrolling

Saves power
windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60 (can be increased to higher values)

Raises quality of images

Increased Media & Streaming Performance
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096, 16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.evdo_b=4096,87380,256960,4096,1 6384,256960 

Disable sending usage data

To make the phone ring faster when dialing out

Disable black screen issue after call 

Disable USB Debugging icon from Status Bar. (Just the Icon, debugging remains enabled.)

Makes apps load faster and frees more ram. (Edit exsisting line)

Improve 3g data speeds

Some of the configuration lines may not work on your device. Make a backup!

Get Shit Done.

Are you lazy? How often have you started working on something, fully motivated, and after a few hours realised that all you have done is watch funny cat videos and browse Facebook? Get shit done, then!

Get Shit Done is a handy app for users with low productivity. It literally helps you to get shit done.
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Set your goal, your time to get the things done, optinionaly set your subgoals and finally your reward and punishment in case you don't (again) make it. And you're done! Now get that shet done!

"Get Shit Done"s a free app and available on Google Play Store, get it and stop with procrastination now!

If you actually want to track your work and see how much you've done working past few weeks, this app might be very useful for you. Jiffy:

Jiffy - Time tracker - screenshot thumbnail

Jiffy is a time tracker that clearly shows you your projects and exact time you've done working on them, also with nice colorful graphs and stuff. If you want to take control of your projects and time spent on them, be sure to check this awesome app out!

How To Switch from Dalvik to ART Runtime on Nexus 7 2012 (and other devices) MANUALLY?

It's been a while the new ART Runtime has been released for various devices, unfortunately it's not available for all Android devices, even not for devices running the Android KitKat, such as Nexus 7 2012.
But is it possible to switch to ART manually? Yes, it is!
The ART Runtime has been introduced as an experimental feature in Android KitKat. For supported devices, the ART can be enabled in developer settings. Unfortunately, for some reason, Nexus 7 2012 is missing this option, therefore you can't switch to ART Runtime.

Some ROMs such as CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android and many more, have enabled this option for unsupported devices but does that mean you have to run on custom ROM in case you want ART on your device? No!

Here's how do you switch from Dalvik to ART manually:

You'll need:

  • A PC
  • Fully installed ADB drivers for your device (on your PC)
  • A device running Android KitKat
  • file in /system/lib
To tell system whether you're running ART or Dalvik, there's a file located in /data/property/ called
persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib (be sure to have it)

This file contains one of two possible values: and
As you can tell, the is for ART runtime, the other one for Dalvik.

We can easily change the runtime by replacing the value of this file.

How do we do that? Well, we can either use echo to replace the values directly, or we can pull the file, replace the values and then push the back:

Echo method:

  • Check adb devices for connected devices, ensure USB debugging is ON.
  • Enter the shell using adb shell command.
  • Grant superuser permisisions by typing su
  • Type the following command:  echo >/data/property/persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib
  • Exit.
Reboot your deviec to take effect.

ADB push & pull method:

  • Again, check for devices using adb devices, USB debugging is ON.
  • Pull the file from your device to your PC using adb pull /data/property/persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib
  • Open the file and replace the with
  • Push the file back to your device using: adb push persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib /data/property/
  • Finally, reboot your device.

Enjoy your faster device!

How To Install & Run Windows XP/95 on Android?

Feeling bored? No new ROMs to install? Run Windows 95 on your device and get some nostalgia to your mobile phone/tablet! It's really easy.
At first, I wanted to tag this as useful tools but honestly, there's really no "useful way" to use Windows 95 on your Android device, is it? Just remember the ole' days, right.

To run Windows 95, you need to download an image file. Hit the link below to download Windows 95 and Windows XP IMG files:

(If you're on a mobile phone, please enable desktop mode or download the Mega app from Google Play Store).

One more thing, we need an emulator. Limbo PC Emulator should be fine. Download It!

Let's set up the emulator.
  1. Open it up
  2. Tap on Load VM, select New
  3. Set User Interface to SDL
  4. Scroll down to Hard Disk A, open the image you downloaded
  5. set CPU model to qemu32
  6. RAM Memory set to 120MB or 60 if you have smaller RAM (you can set it up higher for faster bootup and overall performance but it might crash. See available RAM in settings to know how high can you go).
  7. Hit START!
  8. You're done.

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Get LG Knock Code on your Android device!

LG recently showed up the new feature called Knock Code, which is a new way of protecting your device. Instead of PINs or passwords, you just knock the screen. It's easy, fast and intuitive. And now, you can get this feature right to your device as well!

There are four tiles in Knock Code security. To unlock your phone, you need to knock the right combination of the tiles.

Check the author's video for demonstration:

Now, to get the Knock Code on your device, you have to be rooted and have Xposed Framework installed. (Yes, this is an xposed module. For more info about Xposed Framework + download, please click HERE).

After installing and enabling the module, you should have your Knock Code installed on your device.

If you install Xposed Framework for the first time, nandroid backup is suggested.