Get Shit Done.

Are you lazy? How often have you started working on something, fully motivated, and after a few hours realised that all you have done is watch funny cat videos and browse Facebook? Get shit done, then!

Get Shit Done is a handy app for users with low productivity. It literally helps you to get shit done.
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Set your goal, your time to get the things done, optinionaly set your subgoals and finally your reward and punishment in case you don't (again) make it. And you're done! Now get that shet done!

"Get Shit Done"s a free app and available on Google Play Store, get it and stop with procrastination now!

If you actually want to track your work and see how much you've done working past few weeks, this app might be very useful for you. Jiffy:

Jiffy - Time tracker - screenshot thumbnail

Jiffy is a time tracker that clearly shows you your projects and exact time you've done working on them, also with nice colorful graphs and stuff. If you want to take control of your projects and time spent on them, be sure to check this awesome app out!