[APK DOWNLOAD] Material Design Apps From Android 5.0! - Gmail, Music, Google Fit, Calendar and more!

They're here! The brand new Material Design redesigns of your favourite apps: Google Keep, Music, Books, Calendar, GMail, even Google Fit and much more! Go and grab them now!

They are here and they look awesome. The new, redesigned apps finally rolled out. Watch and get amazed.

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I know, right? Now, the best part. Downloads.

You can download them HERE. (If you're on mobile, you might want to turn on the desktop version.)

Please note some apps might not work on your device, installation is normal (install as a normal APK). If you already got that app (GMail, for example), you need to uninstall that app and than install the new one. You don't need to be rooted, but GMail usually comes as a system app so you'll need to remove it first in case to install the newer version.